Our Trusted Partners


At Nuclear Energy Solutions, we are driven by a passion for excellence, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of better solutions for the nuclear power industry. We are a dedicated team of seasoned professionals with up to 30 years of unparalleled experience in the nuclear industry.

Our rich history is grounded in our unwavering commitment to the industry, and our vast expertise spans the breadth and depth of several aspects of nuclear power generation – from safety procedures to operational efficiency.

At the core of our team is a shared belief in the transformative power of nuclear energy and its potential to provide safe, clean, and reliable power. This conviction, paired with our collective knowledge and experience, drives us to provide world-class consultancy services that meet our clients’ unique needs and challenges.

We believe that every client’s problem deserves a tailor-made solution, and our team’s diverse experience ensures that we have the skills, insights, and understanding to create just that.

In an industry where precision, safety, and reliability are paramount, Nuclear Energy Solutions stands as a beacon of knowledge, innovation, and dependability. Partner with us and leverage our wealth of experience for your growth and success in the dynamic field of nuclear power.



We build comprehensive reporting tools designed to ease and automate data management. Our platform streamlines reporting, and provides vital insights into plant operations equipment health, all while upholding excellence in World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) Performance metrics. We simplify the navigation of large data sets, improve accuracy through automation, and offer analytic capabilities that help optimize equipment performance.


We specialize in designing intelligent, user-friendly applications that simplify and automate complex business processes that integrates seamlessly into your existing workflow. Through a comprehensive analysis of your existing systems, we pinpoint areas for improvement, leveraging advanced technologies such as machine learning and AI to enhance efficiency and productivity.


We specialize in providing innovative technology upgrades designed to optimize efficiency and enhance safety. We offer tailored solutions based on meticulous analysis of your current systems, ensuring precise alignment with your unique needs. Our approach incorporates cutting-edge technologies that facilitate smarter operations, boost performance, and uphold the highest safety standards.

Our Trusted Partners


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